12d Synergy Blog

How can 12d Synergy help me to achieve ISO19650 Certification?

ISO19650 is an international standard for managing information over the entire life cycle of a built asset using Building Information Modelling (BIM). ISO19650’s conception is recent and stemmed largely from the lessons and practices learnt from implementing the British BS 1192 and PAS 11192 standards within the UK and international construction industries.

Surveyor on a hill

CDE for Surveyors

A Common Data Environment is a centralised digital platform used in the lifecycle of a project to facilitate efficient communication, collaboration and information sharing among key project stakeholders, such as surveyors. 12d Synergy offers a secure cloud-based workspace where surveyors can store, manage, and share crucial data such as survey plans and geospatial information.

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Building the NorthConnex

Building NorthConnex: Australia’s Largest Tunnelled Motorway

Built by a joint venture between Lendlease Engineering and Bouygues Construction Australia (LLBJV), early work started in February 2015 and the first tunneling work started in April 2016.
The scale of the NorthConnex project, and the densely-populated region in which it is situated, presented a number of unique challenges throughout design, surveying and construction.

Connecting MYOB

12d Synergy Connectors Connectors allow you to integrate 12d Synergy with other software packages in your organisation.  For ease of implementation the 12d Synergy...