Topic: Blog

Cardno: A Quality Assurance Solution

At the time of implementation Cardno had not even considered 12d Synergy’s integration with 12d Model, it was purely a Quality Assurance Solution. They were looking to implement a system which would assist them with their ISO 9001 Quality Assurance audit.

Training: Tasks and Collaboration

Watch: Tasks and Collaboration - Training Webinar Series This training video explains how to use 12d Synergy's collaboration tools including; tasks, forums, notifications and...

Email Management Tutorial

This 12d Synergy Tutorial explains how the 12d Synergy Outlook plug in can manage your email and attachments. 12d Synergy treats emails as files and can be stamped for...

Intelligent Data Transfer

12d Synergy's Intelligent Data Transfer reduces your project data by 91%, increasing network speed and reducing bandwidth requirements.

Worksharing and Collaborating

What is worksharing?

Worksharing is the process which enables multiple team members in a design office, or across multiple offices and locations to collaborate on projects.