Topic: Document Management & QA

LD Eng: Quality Assurance Solution

LD Eng now use 12d Synergy to manage their business and of course all of their data. The system is at the core of their Quality Assurance system and has also been used as a tool to implement flexible working conditions with 12d Synergy’s remote access functionality.

Eliot Sinclair: Document Management

Christchurch company Eliot Sinclair led the charge and implemented 12d Synergy with all of their staff, both technical and administrative to manage their project files, tasks and email correspondence.

"From a user’s point of view the integration into Microsoft office products, email client and 12d Model is seamless. At a click of a buttom emails are stored and retrieved and documents checked in and out from the database. Being able to access the information store from any computer that has the client application installed and connection to the internet is brilliant. The task scheduling features that allow assigning work to team members and dend out reminders and track progress are one of the latest additions."

Mainland Surveying

Mainland Surveying’s Competitive Advantage

Mainland Surveying needed a system that could centralise their data and files and handle the complexities that comes with geospatial software.
They were impressed that 12d Synergy was able to handle the heavy-duty software they use, including 12d Model, a multi-file piece of software which they produce a lot of data related to topographical maps, plans, subdivisions and buildings and infrastructure development.